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What’s the role of a voice teacher?


No, I don’t look into the future and guarantee a positive outcome if you do what I tell you to do every step of the way. One of the first things I communicate to you when you start lessons or coaching with me, is that YOU bear a big part of the responsibility for your progress.

I don’t expect you to always believe me and follow my opinion. On the contrary. I am here to help you find and develop your own artistic personality and make sure that you do this in a healthy way. Your voice, your sound. That’s one of the reasons why I work with Intake sessions. Before that session, you will have to fill out a form with questions that will help me to understand who you are and what you need. These questions will compel you to think about your goals as a singer and what will be the best way to achieve them. I ask you to answer those questions again every few months, in order to make you reflect about the path we have taken together. Did we stay on track? Did we use the right strategy or do we need to change something? And so on…

So, whether you’re thinking about starting lessons or coaching with me or with somebody else, I advise you to think about who you are as a singer and what you want. First of all, you are helping the teacher and coach to work with you in the best way possible. And as a bonus, it just feels SO good to reflect on the questions, write the answers down, re-read them a few months later, realize you have reached your goals and find new ones, maybe change your strategy,… It’s great to take your growth as a singer into your own hands, and work together with your teacher and coach. They are there to help you. So you have the right ànd the responsibility to make clear what it is you want.

Do you want to take responsibility for your vocal growth into your own hands after reading this blog?

Subscribe to the Library, watch the webinar You are Responsible and dive deep into what I consider the most important questions you should ask yourself, when embarking on a journey of growth. Whether it be by yourself, or with the guidance from a teacher / coach.

It was really new for me to think about my goals and especially the necessary steps to achieve them. I LOVED this session! The way you do the seminars is exactly right.

Fiza - Singer & Tour guide

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on You are Responsible

Fiza - Singer & Tour guide

It was really new for me to think about my goals and especially the necessary steps to achieve them. I LOVED this session! The way you do the seminars is exactly right.
singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on You are Responsible

As always, feel free to send me your thoughts, questions, and feedback in the comments below this blog, via the contact form or in the singsing! online community ❤️





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