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Why is it so difficult to understand the announcements in Flemish train stations?


Here are the thoughts of a voice geek while taking the train on a sunny sunday…

The voice of the announcements in Flemish train stations is using Neutral with air, with a low larynx. This way of speaking is used quite often by women in Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. It’s a cultural thing. For example, a lot of our female TV and radio presenters use this soft, friendly and warm sound. In the past more than now, but still… “Friendly and warm” sounds good, huh? Well, not exactly… The announcements need to cut through disturbing noises like fellow travellers or shreeking train breaks. Neutral with air lacks twang, an important element for a voice that needs to be present, ringy and clear. A voice with a very little amount of twang disappears completely into the other sounds, no matter how high you turn the volume up. This means that the travellers won’t be able to hear the announcement clearly. Something that frustrates me on a regular basis…

So, next time you try to understand the announcements in a Flemish train station and you don’t succeed… Don’t blame your ears. Blame the person that booked this voice for the job 😉

There are many great ways of looking at the voice and Complete Vocal Technique is one of them. Even though it is not the holy grail – no method is, it is one of my personal fundamentals.

Subscribe to The singsing! Sofa Library, watch the 4 webinars on Complete Vocal Technique, and learn how to create all the sounds from all the styles / genres in a healthy way!

That was a totally inspirational session, Sarah! Thank you so much.

Janet Wheeler - Singer & Choir Conductor

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Janet Wheeler - Singer & Choir Conductor

That was a totally inspirational session, Sarah! Thank you so much.
Because of the webinar, I feel more solid with my knowledge of CVT and I am going to apply different vocal colours to my audition songs!

Helena Neil-Smith - Musical Theater singer

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Helena Neil-Smith - Musical Theater singer

Because of the webinar, I feel more solid with my knowledge of CVT and I am going to apply different vocal colours to my audition songs!
I felt great after the webinar, I'm more aware of the possibilities with my voice!

Fiza - Singer & Tour guide

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Fiza - Singer & Tour guide

I felt great after the webinar, I'm more aware of the possibilities with my voice!
Thank you for that amazing seminar, not only was it so informative, but really enjoyable! It made total sense to us and we were quite shocked how we had never come across it before. We both love your positive energy.

Charlotte & Georgia Tonge - Singers

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Charlotte & Georgia Tonge - Singers

Thank you for that amazing seminar, not only was it so informative, but really enjoyable! It made total sense to us and we were quite shocked how we had never come across it before. We both love your positive energy.
It was a fun webinar, very clear! I feel enlighted.

Frederik Rambout - Singer

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Frederik Rambout - Singer

It was a fun webinar, very clear! I feel enlighted.
I really needed this webinar!

Haike D'haese - Singer & Actress

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Haike D'haese - Singer & Actress

I really needed this webinar!
I felt excited after the webinar, because I want to work more on the differences between the vocal placements!

Fanny Lestander - Singer

singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

Fanny Lestander - Singer

I felt excited after the webinar, because I want to work more on the differences between the vocal placements!
singsing! Sarah Algoet webinar on Complete Vocal Technique CVT

As always, feel free to send me your thoughts, questions, and feedback in the comments below this blog, via the contact form or in the singsing! online community ❤️



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